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Athlet*innen der Vorarlberger Einzelspitzensportförderung erhalten umfassende Unterstützung von unseren Expert*innen in den verschiedensten Bereichen. Sportfachverbände werden in ihrer Entwicklung unterstützt und wir bieten Fortbildungen für Sportler*innen, Trainer*innen oder Betreuer*innen an.


Wer immer tut, was er schon kann, bleibt immer das, was er schon ist. Wer sich mit neuen Dingen beschäftigt, entwickelt sich weiter. Unter diesem Credo stehen die Projekte, die wir ins Leben gerufen haben.


Was gibt es Neues rund um unsere Kaderathlet*innen und ihre erzielten Erfolge, die Arbeit unserer Expert*innen im Olympiazentrum oder den Entwicklungen bei uns im Haus?
Spitzenathlet*innen benötigen Spitzenbetreuung. Sportwissenschaftliche und sportmedizinische Betreuung, Physiotherapie, Regeneration und vieles mehr auf höchstem Niveau - und das alles unter einem Dach.
Athlet*innen der Vorarlberger Einzelspitzensportförderung erhalten umfassende Unterstützung von unseren Expert*innen in den verschiedensten Bereichen. Sportfachverbände werden in ihrer Entwicklung unterstützt und wir bieten Fortbildungen für Sportler*innen, Trainer*innen oder Betreuer*innen an.
Wer immer tut, was er schon kann, bleibt immer das, was er schon ist. Wer sich mit neuen Dingen beschäftigt, entwickelt sich weiter. Unter diesem Credo stehen die Projekte, die wir ins Leben gerufen haben.
Was gibt es Neues rund um unsere Kaderathlet*innen und ihre erzielten Erfolge, die Arbeit unserer Expert*innen im Olympiazentrum oder den Entwicklungen bei uns im Haus?

Each participant will have their own role – designer, programmer, researcher

Each participant will have their own role – designer, programmer, researcher

Each school has created parental control. Moms and dads can independently, in agreement with the school administration, conduct an inspection in the school cafeteria.

The Federal Center for Technical Creativity of Students “MSTU” STANKIN “has summed up the results of the All-Russian Olympiad in Robotics and Intelligent Systems among students. Pupils of the center for digital education of children “IT-cube” of the Lipetsk region became prize-winners and winners of the competition. Students of the creative association “Mobile Robotics” presented their technological developments to the competition. Awards were given to: nomination “Industrial Robotics”:

1st place – Roman Shmelev, project “Device for the analysis of metal structures for corrosion”; 

nomination “Household Robotics”:

2nd place – Mikhail Ivanov, the project “Development of an adaptive hand prosthesis capable of changing dimensions to suit the individual characteristics of the patient”;

3rd place – Stepan Orlov, project “Development of a complex of lighting equipment with the ability to automatically direct a light beam to a person”;

nomination “Sports Robotics”:

2nd place – Nikita Svintsov, project “Robotic complex” Astronomer “.

The center’s teacher Margarita Tsyganova was awarded a diploma for the successful preparation of students for an event of all-Russian importance.

The All-Russian Olympiad in Robotics and Intelligent Systems among students was held as part of the All-Russian Open Festival of Scientific and Technical Creativity of Students “Trajectory of Technical Thought – 2020”. According to the results of the competition, Lipetsk winners and prize-winners will be included in the resource about gifted children, talents of Russia.

The Institute for the Development of Education of the Trans-Baikal Territory holds a traditional event in the educational organizations of the region – the Week of Psychology, the press service of the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth Policy of the Trans-Baikal Territory reports.

The goal is to help in organizing events aimed at creating conditions for the creative self-development of students.

Within the framework of the Psychology Week, three projects will be implemented: “Marathon for the Development of Emotional Intelligence for Preschool Educational Institutions and Primary School Students”, “Marathon of Effective Communication for Students in Grades 5-8” and “Time Management Marathon for Grades 9-11” …

Participants will be able to develop their individual creativity, initiative and independence, prepare for the Olympiads in psychology.

Heads of educational organizations, class teachers, teachers, methodologists can use the events of the Week of Psychology to develop the creative component of the educational environment, replenish their methodological baggage with new pedagogical practices.

In the Chelyabinsk region, new vacancies have appeared under the “Zemsky teacher” program, according to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Chelyabinsk region.

Municipalities in the region announced 31 new vacancies. Schools need teachers of English, mathematics, Russian language and literature, primary grades.

The Zemsky Teacher program was initiated by the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin. It was announced in February 2019 as part of the annual message to the Federal Assembly and is intended to become one of the most effective mechanisms for supporting the teaching community.

Under the Zemsky Teacher program, the winners of the competitive selection who have entered into an employment contract are provided with a one-time compensation payment of 1 million rubles (in the Far Eastern Federal District – 2 million rubles).

The federal budget for 2020 and the planning period of 2021 and 2022 for the implementation of the Zemsky Teacher program provides funds in the amount of more than 1,653.33 million rubles in 2020, 1,226.17 million rubles in 2021, 1,179.35 million rubles in 2022 year.

The Novosibirsk 123helpme.me Industrial and Energy College completed the modernization of five workshops in the direction of “Industrial and Engineering Technologies”: “Industrial Automation”, “Intelligent Electricity Metering Systems”, “Instrumentation Metrology”, “Maintenance and repair of relay protection and automation equipment” and “Boiler Driver “, According to the press service of the Ministry of Education of the Novosibirsk region.

They were opened within the framework of the Education National Project. All workshops are equipped with the latest equipment, laboratory benches, and specialized software.  

Workshops “Industrial Automation”, “Metrology of Instrumentation”, “Maintenance and Repair of Relay Protection and Automation Equipment” are equipped with individual workstations for passing the demonstration exam and performing various competitive tasks. Workshop “Boiler operator” is equipped with equipment for three modules: “Introduction of boiler room modes”, “First aid to the victim” and “Firefighting”.

The modernization of the college became possible thanks to a grant that was won in 2019 as part of the implementation of the event “State support for professional educational organizations in order to ensure that their material and technical base meets modern requirements” of the federal project “Young Professionals”.

The profile space shift “Time of the First” is taking place at the Technopark of the Irkutsk National Technical Research University, the press service of the Ministry of Education of the Irkutsk Region reports.

15 schoolchildren of 8-11 grades who have passed a competitive selection take part in its work.

The course program includes two directions – “Earth remote sensing” and “Applied space systems”.

The guys will be trained in development and design and will be able to create their own small spacecraft themselves. Each participant will have their own role – designer, programmer, researcher.

For the participants of the program, interactive lectures, master classes in programming and 3D modeling, research and independent problem solving will also be organized.

“The winners of the shift will be able to take part in the semifinals of the All-Russian competition“ Applied Space Systems – Scientific Experiments ”within the framework of the“ Duty on the Planet ”program of the 2020/21 season. Its finalists will work on promising scientific and technological experiments in space under the guidance of specialists from the space center of the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, ”the news release says.

The profile shift “Time of the First” was organized by the Regional Institute of Personnel Policy and Continuing Professional Education and the Perseus Regional Center for the Identification and Support of Gifted Children with the support of the Ministry of Education of the Irkutsk Region.

All students from the 9th to the 11th grade in the Kurgan region return to full-time education from December 16, according to the press service of the Department of Education and Science of the region. Also, pupils from the 5th to the 8th grade of all schools in the region return to schools, except for Kurgan and Shadrinsk. Individual training will be organized for schoolchildren of Kurtamysh and r.p. Yurgamysh. At the same time, tests for all students can be organized in full-time mode.

“This decision was made based on the incidence rate in each municipality. In large settlements of the region, unfortunately, the epidemiological situation does not allow bringing all students to full-time education. An exception was made only for future graduates who need to prepare for the final state certification, ”explained Andrei Kocherov, director of the Department of Education and Science of the region. He recalled that all safety measures must be observed at the school: thermometry at the entrance, hand antiseptic treatment, air disinfection, wet cleaning of premises, ventilation, as well as an individual class schedule for each class. Mass events and the presence of unauthorized persons in educational organizations are still prohibited.

In the Vladimir region, 1,150 people received free training under the federal program WorldSkills Express on vocational training and additional vocational education of Russians – residents of the region affected by the current epidemiological situation, the Department of Education of the Vladimir region reports.

The initiator of this project was the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. The organizer of the training program was the WorldSkills Russia Academy, which has extensive experience in the development and implementation of training programs.

The goal of the program is to provide support measures in the field of employment, as well as to provide Russians with the opportunity to acquire additional professional skills to increase their competitiveness in the labor market.

The program participants were citizens of three categories who faced problems in finding a job due to the consequences of the pandemic: employees at risk of dismissal, graduates of educational organizations and citizens experiencing difficulties in finding a job during the pandemic.


K1 Youth League🇭🇷❌

Unfortunately, my last tournament in the -75kg category didn’t go as well as I had hoped.
But I’ll be back stronger. Be ready -84kg see you in Salzburg🥋

World cup Innsbruck starting today!💥 
Both brothers in action! Andi today in Bouldering and Jo in Lead on saturday. Let's bring it on!⚡️
#ready #excited #shapedbyozvorarlberg
First international comp of the season with this European cup. Been some time since the last one so felt a bit nervous going into this. That showed in the first quali but really happy with my climbing in the second one before I got a little ahead of myself in the headwall. Lots of positives to take from this one but quite unfortunate to be the first one out of semi finals  and to not climb another round. 
Really happy though that I was able to support my teammates even better and see julia_fiser put up such a great performance!🤩
So ready and motivated for the home world cup in Innsbruck now!❤️‍🔥
#hofisinaction #shapedbyozvorarlberg #readyformore #leadclimbing #learning #justgettingstarted